Minutes of Regular Board Meeting

February 20th, 2007 7:00 PM


Location:           District Office, Gander




Mr. Thomas Kendell (Chair)                              Ms. Cynthia Fleet, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                            Dr. Barbara Palmer

Mr. John George                                               Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Hubert Langdon                                          Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy (Recorder)

Dr. Greg Woolfrey                                            Mr. Shawn Brace

Mr. Peter Budgell

Ms. Ann Sparkes

Mr. Robert Hannaford

Ms. Audrey Whiteway

Mr. Peter Gibbons

Ms. Kim Cheeks

Mr. Scott Pritchett

Mr. Kerry Noble




Mr. Newman Harris

Ms. Marina Hewlett


1.         Welcome


The Chair welcomed the Board Members as well as the parents and school council members from Woodland Primary and Gander Academy.


Dr. Greg Woolfrey requested that the discussion concerning Woodland Primary be dealt with early in the meeting.


2.         Approval of Agenda


Motion:            to approve the agenda as circulated with the addition of the item School Board vacancy.  (Brown/Langdon).   Carried.


3.         Minutes of Meetings


            3.1        Regular Meeting January 16th, 2007


Motion:            to accept the minutes of the January 16th, 2007 meeting with the following amendments (Budgell/Sparkes).  Carried.


Mr. Robert Hannaford questioned whether district office morale referenced in the Director’s report should be district morale.  The Director explained that district office morale was identified when the internal scan was completed for the strategic plan.


Mr. John George questioned the second management issue as referenced in the minutes. In that sentence Leadership at Work should be capitalized as it references a program designed to help its members grown professionally in the leadership area.


“the Director and Chair met with the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor on January 16th, 2007 to get an update on school restructuring” should read “the Director ……. to give…….”


4.         Executive Committee Report


The Chair reviewed how each District distributes its executive committee minutes.  There was no common procedure among the Boards.  It was agreed that the draft minutes will be posted on the web portal and put in meeting folders.


5.         Closed Session


Motion:                        to move into a closed session.  (Brown/Woolfrey).  Carried.


Motion:                        to come out of the closed session.  (George/Woolfrey).  Carried.


6.         Conferences


            6.1        Conference Reports


Written reports from trustees who attended the Atlantic School Boards Conference in Charlottetown, PEI from January 25 – 27, 2007 were included in the trustees’ package.  Any trustee who will be attending any conference in the future will be expected to provide a written report upon return from the conference.  The Chair provided a variety of materials for other trustees to peruse.  It was recommended that in the future the agenda of a conference would be reviewed by the trustees and a list of sessions that should be attended would be compiled.


Motion:            The Assistant Director (Programs), through the Director explore the use of SMART boards for use throughout the District.  (Brown/George).  Carried.


            6.2        National Congress


Trustees Newman Harris, Peter Budgell, Greg Woolfrey and John George along with the Chair have expressed interest in attending the national Congress in Calgary, Alberta in July.  The projected cost of this conference for air fare and accommodations would be between $2000 and $2500 per person.


Motion:            to send the Chair and all trustees who expressed interest in attending the National Congress in Calgary, Alberta in July 2007.  (Woolfrey/Brown).  Carried.


7.         Director's Report


Note:    The Director’s Report was dealt with at the beginning of the meeting to accommodate the parents and school council members who were in attendance.


Strategic Plan


The Director informed the trustees that the Board’s Strategic Plan 2006-2008 has been submitted to the Minister of Education for approval.  The board’s plan identifies four goals, one of which falls within the area of responsibility of the Director.  That goal addresses the need for improvement in the area of student achievement, specifically to increase the number of students graduating with academic/honours certificates.  All planned actions for this goal were completed on target.


Management Plan


The Management Plan for the operation of the school district has five identified goals for issues which will be addressed by June 2008.


1.       The action addressing the central filing system is in progress.

2.       The action identified for school leadership does not require action until later in the school year.

3.       The action identified for the staff morale improvement at the District Office has been completed to date.

4.       The action identified addressing the implementation of management policies has a  first target date of February 26.

5.       The action identified for the development of an internal communication protocol has been completed to date.


School Restructuring Plan


Woodland Primary School, Grand Falls – Windsor


-           On January 17, 2007 the Director met with the principals of Woodland Primary School and Sprucewood Academy in order to ascertain space availability in September 2007 for students from Woodland Primary School.  It was determined that the three Grade III English classes from Woodland Primary School could easily be accommodated at Sprucewood Academy, if necessary.  This assessment was made as a result of a request made at a meeting with the local school councils on January 9, 2007 in which the school and parent representatives requested that the District determine if all three Grade III classes from Woodland Primary could move to Sprucewood Academy if a move is required in September 2007.


-           On January 23, 2007 the Director of Education and the Director of School Construction and Design assessed the three schools in Grand Falls – Windsor to determine space availability for September 2007.  On January 23, 2007 the Director of Education met with parents of the Grade II English students who comprise the Grade III English classes next fall and who would be affected if these students moved to Sprucewood Academy.  This meeting was held as a result of direction from the January 9, 2007 meeting with school councils.  In the meeting at Woodland Primary School parents were advised that a determination had been made that day that there is space availability at Millcrest Academy for the two Grade III French Immersion classes next year, and that opportunity would be another option for consideration in dealing with the classroom challenge.  The parents explored a number of other options that would keep all students K – 3 in Woodland Primary next year.  Those options involved ideas around using other facilities for some programs, as well as ideas about creating two extra classrooms within the current building.  The parents requested the Director to determine if extra classrooms could be created with Woodland Primary School.  The Director agreed to do so and to report to the full parent body when the assessment and potential re-construction plan was available.

-           On January 24, 2007 the Chairperson of the Woodland Primary School Council advised the Director that the school council would be calling a meeting of all parents for the purpose of creating a plan to lobby for the construction of extra classrooms to be attached to Woodland Primary School in September.  A copy of the letter that was written as a result of that meeting has been distributed to board trustees


Further to this on February 13, 2007 five board trustees visited the three primary/elementary schools in Grand Falls-Windsor – Woodland Primary, Millcrest Academy and Sprucewood Academy.


Motion:           officially request to government the addition of three classrooms to be added to Woodland Primary for September 2007.  (Woolfrey/Pritchett).  Carried.


The five year restructuring plan that was submitted to the Department of Nova Central School district has Woodland Primary identified as an elementary school and Sprucewood Academy as a primary school.  There was some discussion as to the need to revisit this recommendation in the plan.  Mr. Clar Brown recommended that the addition of the three classrooms be phase one of the necessary renovations needed to have this school function as part of the K to 6 education system for Grand Falls-Windsor.  Mr. Hubert Langdon asked if the classrooms are not ready for September 2007 what would be the backup plan.  The Director indicated that there were three viable alternatives.




            Valmont Academy, King’s Point


            -           In December the school distributed copies of the bussing options for next year to parents.

            -           The school principal advised that the meeting with the Director, the Chair, the local trustee, and a group of concerned parents scheduled for January 29, 2007 was cancelled.

            -           Some parents and students are continuing to voice their concerns via e-mails and letters about the proposal to require Grades 10 – 12 students to attend school in Springdale next fall.

            -           A comparison of the senior high school program at Indian River High School, Springdale and Valmont Academy, King’s Point cannot be verified until the Department of Education advises the school district of its teacher allocation for next year.  A new teacher allocation model is anticipated as a result of the work of Government’s Teacher Allocation Review Commission.


            The Director also referenced an e-mail she had received from Staci Stuckless, student at Valmont Academy, on February 20, 2007.  In the e-mail Ms. Stuckless referenced a meeting that was being scheduled.  The Director will respond to this e-mail


Gill Memorial Academy, Musgrave Harbour


            -           On January 22, 2007 the Director of Education met with the school council of Gill Memorial Academy in Musgrave Harbour to discuss the board’s plan to move students to Phoenix Academy, Carmanville in September 2007.  The Director had assessed classroom space at Phoenix Academy and reported to the Gill Memorial School Council that space required to accommodate students from Musgrave Harbour at Phoenix Academy was not adequate.  Furthermore, if the student population at both schools remains constant, such a move could not be contemplated in the near future; however, the district office will continue to assess the situation on an annual basis.  It is apparent that the space available at the school in Carmanville is not adequate at this time.


Recommendation to the Board: To keep the current school system in Musgrave Harbour in place for September 2007 with a view to assessing the populations of both schools on an annual basis on order to determine when senior high school students can move.


There was concern expressed about information that was shared with parents at a meeting in Musgrave Harbour during meetings held during the 2005-2006 school year.  At that meeting parents were informed that space at the school in Carmanville was not an issue whereas now it is being brought to the board table as an issue.  Mr. Clar Brown expressed the importance of having a plan; however, there will be times when changes to the plan are necessary.


This item will be discussed at the next regular meeting of the Board.


            William Mercer Academy, Dover and Jane Collins Academy, Hare Bay


On January 31, 2007 the Director of Education and the local trustee for the area met with the school councils of William Mercer Academy and Jane Collins Academy for the purpose of discussing the Board’s infrastructure plan that would impact both schools.  In order to move Grades 10 – 12 students to Jane Collins Academy new construction is required to the school in Hare Bay. The Director advised the councils that because of Government’s inability to address all infrastructure requests within the five years 2004 – 2009, an extension to Jane Collins Academy would not be completed in the timeframe proposed by the Board.


Recommendation to the Board: To keep the current school system in Dover in place until a new extension to Jane Collins Academy is approved and completed.


            St. Joseph’s Academy and King Academy, Harbour Breton


The Director of Education and local trustees met with the school councils of St. Joseph’s Academy and King Academy in Harbour Breton.  The school councils requested the meeting in order to discuss the Board’s infrastructure plan for the community.  The Director advised the school councils that the Board’s plan for the community has been submitted to Government for its consideration.  Given the number of capital requests submitted to Government by the five provincial school boards, the Board does not expect the project for Harbour Breton to occur in the near future.


Lumsden School Complex, Lumsden


The Director will meet with the parents of high school students on February 22, 2007 to discuss the plan to move the students to Lester Pearson High School, New-Wes Valley.  Adequate space is available to accommodate this move and to thus offer more breadth and depth in programming to students from Lumsden.


Capital Projects – Update


            -           St. Stephen’s All-Grade School, Rencontre East

Construction of the activity/fitness room is completed.  The official opening of the room was held Monday, February 19, 2007.  The Director attended the opening with the Chair and two local trustees.

            -           Botwood Collegiate, Botwood

                        No change from the last month’s report.


            -           Gander Collegiate, Gander

                        No change from last month’s report.

            -           Indian River Academy, Springdale

                        Roof repairs substantially completed.

            -           Indian River High School, Springdale

                        Roof repairs – one section water-tight.

Section over library and theatre not yet addressed.

Discussions with Department of Education as to whether this will wait until spring.

            -           Exploits Valley Intermediate School, Grand Falls – Windsor

All details regarding the purchase of property required for the school extension have been completed as per advice from the Department of Education.  The tender award should occur within the next week.

            -           Smallwood Academy, Gambo

Roof replacement/repairs: Engineering firm appointed by the Department of Education to complete an initial investigation and to design and prepare tender documents.

            -           MSB, Middle Arm

Renovations to be completed by NCSD: waiting approval from the Department of Education.  Planning for the new extension continues.

            -           Dorset Collegiate, Pilley’s Island

                        Concept design for school extension signed off by NCSD.

            -           New School, Baie Verte

                        Identification of program requirements completed.


            Nova Central School District Maintenance Pilot Project


The Department of Education has approved the Nova Central School District’s proposal to conduct a Mould Assessment Project in the district.  The Department has agreed to fund Nova Central School District $55,000 to develop and implement a plan to assess the district’s schools, on a priority basis, to determine if any mould exists as a result of water damage.  The pilot project will also provide the district with:

·        a training opportunity for its personnel in order to provide them with the level of expertise required to assess schools for mould; and

·        equipment to remove/clean up mould, according to required existing standards.


Upon completion of this 6-week project, the district will have the in-house ability to clean up any mould when it is identified in any district schools or sites.


Of the ten to fifteen schools that will be investigated, the first five schools prioritized for assessment are as follows:

·        J. M. Olds Collegiate, Twillingate

·        Greenwood Academy, Campbellton

·        Twillingate Elementary, Twillingate

·        Avoca Collegiate, Badger

·        Lewisporte Collegiate, Lewisporte

·        Lewisporte Academy, Lewisporte


The project will also include air quality re-testing in:

·        Memorial Academy, Wesleyville

·        Indian River Academy, Springdale


School boards are responsible for maintaining a safe environment and for identifying issues which cannot be addressed at the board level to the Department of Education.  This project will enable the district to have an improved inspection and remediation program and ensure that it is proactive in dealing with facilities with potential issues.  Trained personnel and on-site equipment will give the maintenance division the ability to respond to schools and other worksites in a timely and efficient manner to prevent air quality issues from developing.


Community Use of Schools


The Department of Education, through Insurance Division - Department of Finance, is pursuing a solution that will enable community user groups to access schools during off-hours.  It is hoped that a blanket policy will be available for this purpose.  Such a policy would be in addition to the existing policy/policies covering our schools for K – 12 use and would cover liability for other community users.  The schools will be advised when this issue is resolved.


Financial Report


A statement of current revenues and expenditures for the period ending December 31, 2006 was presented.  Financial Reports will be present quarterly.


Motion:           to authorize cheque signing authority for the Nova Central School District to include Cynthia M. Fleet, Charlie McCormack, Shawn Brace, Terry Hillier and Geraldine Blackmore.  Except for teachers’ payroll account a combination of any two signatures is required.  One signature is required for teachers’ payroll and will be signature of the Assistant Director – finance and Administration, Shawn Brace.  (Budgell/Langdon).  Carried.


            Trustee Travel


When trustees travel on board business there is a need to have travel pre-authorized.


            Motion:           any travel a trustee does for board business, with the exception of travel for board and committee meetings, must receive prior approval from the Chair in consultation with the Director.  (Noble/Langdon).  Carried.


Motion:           to extend the meeting by 30 minutes.  (Woolfrey/Brown).  Carried.


8.         Strategic Plan Update


8.1        Communication Committee


One of the strategic issues the Board will address is external communications.  The committee of board trustees who will address this issue will be comprised of Ms. Kim Cheeks (Chair), Ms. Ann Sparkes and Mr. John George.  This committee will be responsible for the communication plan.


8.2        Restructuring Committee (Finance & Property Committee


The Finance and Property is responsible for the revision of the Board’s restructuring plan as identified in the Strategic Plan. 


The Finance and Property Committee will meet to discuss an item coming from the closed session.


Restructuring was dealt with in the Director’s report.


9.         Official School Opening Update


            9.1        Rencontre East


The official opening of the fitness room for St. Stephen’s All Grade, Rencontre East was held on February 19th, 2007.  The Director, the Chair and the two local trustees attended this event.


Mr. Hubert Langdon highlighted the quality of work that this room reflects.  The Director will send a letter to individuals employed by the board who have completed construction projects this year (i.e. Leading Tickles Primary School and Rencontre East).


            9.2        Gander Collegiate


Official opening date to be decided.


            9.3        Botwood Collegiate


Official opening date to be decided.


10.        Correspondence


A letter was received from Mr. Bill Sceviour.  Mr. Sceviour tendered his resignation from the Board.  The Chair will send a letter to the Minister informing her of the vacancy on the Board.


11.        Board Meeting Evaluation Forms


All trustees were reminded to complete the Board meeting evaluation forms and to pass them in at the end of the meeting.



12.        Date of Next Meeting


The next regular board meeting will be held on March 20th, 2007, 7:00 PM at Regional Office, Grand Falls-Windsor.


12.        Adjournment


Motion:            to adjourn the meeting 10:40 PM (Brown/Gibbons).  Carried




_____________________________                          ____________________________

Thomas Kendell                                                            Bonnie Lane-McCarthy

Chair                                                                            Recorder

